Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Well, I haven't really thought of anything much to post about lately. I've been in a non-blogging state of late. Have been catching up with some friends (plus moving house) and hearing what's been happening for them over the past 6 months or 13 months, depending on when I last saw them. There is something delightful about being in the company of a friend that knows you longer than a day (!) that I am realising I've missed out on! Duh.. big surprise! I've spent so much time over the last year with people I know nothing about and who know nothing about me that it's been a heckuva lot of chitchat. I know chitchat has it's place but I tire of it really quickly if that is the substance of the friendship.. know what I mean? I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record.

Hmm, went to an interesting thing tonight with a friend. A multi-level-marketing/direct-buying business thing. I don't want to offend anyone who might be a die-hard fan of these types of businesses with what I say. I just have such a thing about them that rings warning bells. I know that there are people that make a lot of money out of them and swear by them (with the addition of hard work!).. but it's just not me. It was a different kind of one, anyway, where they sell aussie opals. Interesting. Good thing I don't love opals!

Went dress shopping for a bit today (for Melsy) and bumped into Sky who got married while I was away. Had a coffee and catch up and it was so nice to hear how her wedding day and tour-of-Thailand went for her honeymoon. Lots of stories of elephants, monkeys and getting ripped off by pushy little street-market people. Nice.

Way off the topic if there was one but I am getting reacquainted with the old Aussie accent. It's funny!I know I don't speak with an accent, although most people who tried to guess my accent overseas thought I was English (WHAT?!?!), but it just seems a lot twangier since I've gotten back. Noice (nice) is one that I hear a lot! Gid (good) is another. It's hard to spell the pronunciation, but it's really funny! Funnier that it doesn't sound normal at first. And people sounded a lot twangier over in Victoria too which was interesting. I knew Queenslanders (where I was born.. woo) have their "kewl bananas" accent, but I didn't know Victorians had accents. Anyhoo.. not having a go at anyone here!!

Well, I think that's about all I can be bothered to type. It's the city to surf this sunday. My brother's running AGAIN so I might go watch.. but I think it's a bit hard to watch. You just stand at the finish pool and try to find someone in the field of people. Unless he comes first! hehe.. I have faith in you Donny :) I should've got into training and gone with you. Maybe next year (eww, that sounds very procrastinatorish) eh?

Sleep now. Good night! xx

P.S. Pics are still not working.. so just boring text until blogger is happy with me :)


Xo Xo...Sweet Success! said...

Kellie dear,

Don't remind me of accents and home...I so miss home!

Can you eat a WHOLE block of coon cheese for me, please?


It costs like TWICE as much to buy Coon here and I have to travel an hour to buy it!!!

Just gobble up a 1kg Tasty block? Can ya...Can ya?

Oh, and and and...can you eat lots of FRUITS for me too...like lotsa APPLES and the yummy mandarins...ow...and FRESH Lettuce...

Ok, now I'm going to fatten you up.


Kel said...

Umm I can do the apples (that's what I had for lunch) and mandarins, but not that much cheese love. I hear it's bad for your digestion to eat that much..

I bet you can get really good noodles and things like that there though, right? Your mum prolly could've just made them back here tho! Can Khai cook?

Xo Xo...Sweet Success! said...

Honey, Khai's cooking is erm...how should I put it...BAD?

Yes, VERY bad.


He stuffed up the instant Quick Pasta...*slaps forehead* It's embarrasing.

No, he can't cook!

Yes, cheese some how doesn't agree with me here. :o(

But it's ok back in Perth! So, please enjoy the cheese when you eat it and think of moi!