Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Chop chop chop

Well, I thought I would do a little post about some old friends that I haven't spent time with in a while:

Chef Martin Yan (of Yan Can Cook - a favourite with everyone in high school)

Iron Chef (re-runs used to be on SBS, not sure now)

I love these 2 shows. Sure, they're very different to standard aussie cooking shows, but they are so energetic and fun.. and I would love to be as good as them (although maybe not as accentric as some of the iron chefs).

What about you? Do you have any thoughts, memories of these two? Or are you a fan of any other cooking shows?


1 comment:

Xo Xo...Sweet Success! said...


That's the COOOOOOOLEST SHOW (on SBS that is)

I liked how the people doing the voice overs were trying to laugh like the people they were voice overing for...

It was bad. But then, it was also good!