Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Work work work

Well, I've been back at work this week (new job) and I've been really enjoying it. I love working hard, organising things, setting goals and achieving them. I get so much satisfaction from it. Although I think there are areas of my life that I'd rather avoid so I put my heart and soul into doing a good job so I can feel successful/normal in one area. I think I've been on this train a while - it's not really a good thing. But it's good to be doing some work anyway :) I'm starting to feel a bit better about being in Perth again. Not hating it so much which is always good!

Caught up with an old friend tonight and had a lovely dinner. Went across the road to this funky place (I can't remember the name.. it's on Murray St, called F'uche or something like that) for dessert. There were these brilliant musicians playing out the front on the sidewalk, kinda funk style. We went in and I said we were just there for coffee and dessert and the guy proceeded to give us free stuff! This beautiful entree stuff and champagne! (it wasn't just us, the table next to us too) And I worked out that it cost them more for what they gifted us with than what we actually bought. Not bad! It is a really fresh new place (I heard it's been open 6 months) - well worth a visit! It's opposite Tiger Lils if that helps.

I'm seeing my cousin tomorrow who is getting married in a month. It's all very exciting. I wasn't around for the engagement and everything so it's a good a time as any to get into wedding mode and be really excited for them. They make a really nice couple. Natty and I went through Grade 3-12 together so we've been "around" each other a lot for a while. It feels weird to have to catch up with people like Nat now after it being so normal for so many years to just see her around. We grow up, life changes things. So, it''ll be nice to see her tomorrow anyway :)

It's a bit of a nothing post. I don't really want to write much on here lately. Don't know why. Just don't! I need to start taking some photos and chucking them on here. That'll brighten the place up!

Things to look forward to:
  • Kate coming home in a month from more overseas travels (contracting lovely parasites on the way!)
  • Savannah's state gym comp
  • Mum's 60th do
  • Starting my new savings plan
  • Doing some research/planning about some future dreams
  • Natalie and Steve's wedding.. yay!
  • A date with my friend to see The Red Shoes (ballet)
  • Seeing my cousin Kristy in October.. hanging out for that
  • Buying a new kettle for Sharon (man, I love kettles..)

That's about it for the next little bit. Blog again soonish.



Saturday, August 26, 2006

Run Baby Run

I've been a bit self-indulgent this week and have been doing some reading. I wanted to let you know about an old classic (if you haven't already read it) called Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz.

What an amazing story. It's about a bad-ass teenager from Puerto Rico living in New York and how he gets involved in gangs and stuff. Great description.. He's living a dark, blood-thirsty life on the run until he encounters God through a preacher coming to the ghetto he lived in. The way his life is transformed and years of hatred, nightmares and bloodshed are stripped away from his heart to reveal such a beautiful heart: so passionate for God. He's such an amazing man - but the testimony is really just to God and at His love and the immense power behind it. To transform even the toughest life and then use it to reach people with love and compassion (kinda like Saul/Paul). Such a great read: Kel recommends!

It's my baby boy's birthday party today. My nephew Caleb is turning 9! Wowsers.. I remember how much time I've spent with him as a newborn, toddler, kid. He's such a caring, sweet boy. But so freakin tall! When I got back this time he was up to my nose, the crazy critter. But he's still not old enough to not want hugs and time with his aunty Kel :) Yay! He has such a sensitivity combined with a really easy going and joyful disposition that I know he's going to make a great man of God. Go Cabes! I love you a WHOLE lot!

OK, better get the day going. Have woken up at 5 or 5:30 every morning this week. For no good reason - it sucks!

Love Kel


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Chop chop chop

Well, I thought I would do a little post about some old friends that I haven't spent time with in a while:

Chef Martin Yan (of Yan Can Cook - a favourite with everyone in high school)

Iron Chef (re-runs used to be on SBS, not sure now)

I love these 2 shows. Sure, they're very different to standard aussie cooking shows, but they are so energetic and fun.. and I would love to be as good as them (although maybe not as accentric as some of the iron chefs).

What about you? Do you have any thoughts, memories of these two? Or are you a fan of any other cooking shows?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Well, I haven't really thought of anything much to post about lately. I've been in a non-blogging state of late. Have been catching up with some friends (plus moving house) and hearing what's been happening for them over the past 6 months or 13 months, depending on when I last saw them. There is something delightful about being in the company of a friend that knows you longer than a day (!) that I am realising I've missed out on! Duh.. big surprise! I've spent so much time over the last year with people I know nothing about and who know nothing about me that it's been a heckuva lot of chitchat. I know chitchat has it's place but I tire of it really quickly if that is the substance of the friendship.. know what I mean? I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record.

Hmm, went to an interesting thing tonight with a friend. A multi-level-marketing/direct-buying business thing. I don't want to offend anyone who might be a die-hard fan of these types of businesses with what I say. I just have such a thing about them that rings warning bells. I know that there are people that make a lot of money out of them and swear by them (with the addition of hard work!).. but it's just not me. It was a different kind of one, anyway, where they sell aussie opals. Interesting. Good thing I don't love opals!

Went dress shopping for a bit today (for Melsy) and bumped into Sky who got married while I was away. Had a coffee and catch up and it was so nice to hear how her wedding day and tour-of-Thailand went for her honeymoon. Lots of stories of elephants, monkeys and getting ripped off by pushy little street-market people. Nice.

Way off the topic if there was one but I am getting reacquainted with the old Aussie accent. It's funny!I know I don't speak with an accent, although most people who tried to guess my accent overseas thought I was English (WHAT?!?!), but it just seems a lot twangier since I've gotten back. Noice (nice) is one that I hear a lot! Gid (good) is another. It's hard to spell the pronunciation, but it's really funny! Funnier that it doesn't sound normal at first. And people sounded a lot twangier over in Victoria too which was interesting. I knew Queenslanders (where I was born.. woo) have their "kewl bananas" accent, but I didn't know Victorians had accents. Anyhoo.. not having a go at anyone here!!

Well, I think that's about all I can be bothered to type. It's the city to surf this sunday. My brother's running AGAIN so I might go watch.. but I think it's a bit hard to watch. You just stand at the finish pool and try to find someone in the field of people. Unless he comes first! hehe.. I have faith in you Donny :) I should've got into training and gone with you. Maybe next year (eww, that sounds very procrastinatorish) eh?

Sleep now. Good night! xx

P.S. Pics are still not working.. so just boring text until blogger is happy with me :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Sprint >>> run >> jog > walk.. crawl... sit

Big sighs here.

Have decided I'm going to slow life down a bit. I crave adventure and living on the edge. I want flexibility, freedom, cultural immersion, new experiences. I feel as though it's part of my DNA now and I couldn't live without it. The thought of 9-5 jobs scare me. The thought of mortgages, interest rates causes me to want to pack my bag and head off. I don't think it's a fear of committing.. more a fear of being boring, being settled, actually I don't believe that I could find contentment in that.

Is it that I need to grow up? Is it that I have been so on-the-go that it's made a bit of turmoil in my mind of what is normal? I know being sold out for God isn't a second rate life. There's adventure, sacrifice and JOY. Joy is my favourite feeling/state of being. I crave it. But I guess there needs to be that peace, that stability, that contentment at all times before you can truly experience the adventures. Sometimes there needs to be "down" time where you just sit and be. Sit and be. It's hard, you know? Stop running.. breathe, let God's love wash over you.

Adventures can happen anywhere too. A new friend has a ministry with her nextdoor neighbours (the kids) and has her God-work cut out for her there. She doesn't need to go, she is content and finds God-adventure where she is. He sees her willing heart and uses her.

Mixed up post, I know. Just getting it out there. God is my refuge, my strength, my sustenance, my future, my hope, my all. I can't run from him. It doesn't work. I don't want to.

Better go.. being domesticated for our welcome home me family thing tomorrow.

Love x

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back on the mainland


Well, back in Australia. Had a week in Melb visiting Mels and Robby (and Zoe). It was so nice. Some friends just make you feel at home with who you are. They are such a fantastic couple.. it was a real treat to spend a week celebrating their relationship. We had a nice stay in G-long with Rob's family for the enragement breakfast, met his fam.. they're lovely. Lots of wedding talk, hearing what their heart is for the big day. We went wedding dress shopping which was a huge thing and I felt so honoured to be there. Twas sad to wave goodbye last night from the tarmac but I couldn't help but repeat myself over and over at just fantastic it is that they're so good for each other and can be so confident in that. I always leave some of my heart with Mels and now Robby too. I love them heaps.

Have not really felt like there's a lot left for me in Perth. It really doesn't feel like home. Not that Switzy really is as I wouldn't be there if it wasn't for work. Almost sent me into a panic fit this morning before I stopped myself and realised that "home" is only going to be where I am for the moment. It seems to be a lesson I keep getting.. don't put your security in where you are or who is around you. I've kinda had that all taken away over the past 12 months and it's just been me and God. Not that I am saying I've lived in poverty in terms of physical stuff and been hard done by.. but in terms of the things I (and quite a few people I know) would and have put my security in - friendships, church, having a home/space that is mine, a community, routine, career path, spiritual enouragement, discipleship - I just haven't lived in that. You can't put your trust or security in something that's not available. I feel like I keep getting this lesson over and over. I do get it but I don't seem to keep that mentality/mind-set for long as not long after I get back into a panic about having a seemingly helter-skelter life.

This morning was a landmark though not to let my emotions go down that road. I'm here for now.. I am never alone. God is always with me, always protecting, nurturing, providing, guiding. That term "rock" is fitting and true. Not to tie you down to something, but to support you.. to anchor who you are. Does that make sense? He's dependable when nothing else is. He's reliable when there's no one else to rely on. Not as a last resort.. I need to preach this to myself till it's sunk in.

That, of course, could just be this week as I'm tired. Maybe Perth does feel like home when I am awake. Mandy and Rich take melatonin (some vitamin you get from the sun) which helps get your body into the swing on things. If I could just remember to take it!

Had a bit of a lazy day.. spent some time with my brother and his mate tonight which was nice. Some things never change. It's strange. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow. Catching up with a friend for lunch.. can't wait to see her. She's a gem.

Saw some of my kiddies today. It's amazing to watch them mature and develop their personalities. They soak up everything. They're so balanced and beautiful. I love them so much.

Well absolutely buggered. Eyes hurting.

Bonne nuit xx

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Waahhhhhh!! You can't make me leave!

Ok, so this is the view from out the front of our apartment (we're 3rd floor.. this is on the path outside). Tell me you can feel the serenity..? Boodle hoodles, we have to go. We're all a bit sad. Except for the part where we get to see our family and friends.

Rich took this photo using a -exposure thingy. Pretty snazzy. It takes the photo over 30 seconds with a dark thing over the lens. There were actually ripples in the water, but it smoothed them out because of the setting. Don't ask. Just look. Ain't it pretty?!

So, once again, Kellie has no clue how she's going to fit everything into her bag. There's only so many beatings this poor case can take, you know? If it were just clothes and shoes it would be a sinch. But this baby carries my life: my mini-library, study books, files, office supplies, 50 bazillion gifts for my family (why couldn't you all stop at one kid? it would've been so much easier.. and cheaper), cables for each different country for each power pack, rollerblades, toiletries. I think that's it. I am even leaving behind my favourite blanky cos there's no room. Waahhh!!Shut up Kellie. Quit you're whining: be glad you're alive, you're healthy, you have a job, you've been able to see so much more of the world over the past 13 months, you have 2 eyes and a nose (not the other way around), you've got a mind that works enough to decide not to whine. Good. Glad that's over.

Tonight we had dinner while we watched RV on the projector. Oh my gosh, it's painful. Don't bother unless you're up for some groaning. Gosh.

OK folks.. I know this post is the kind where you can barely stop to take a breath in excitement of what I am going to say next (I just invisaged "someone" watching a computer screen with their eyes glued and their tongue wagging like a dogs..). I'm not on anything, I swear it. I think I'm just tired.

Love ya long time n00bs,



Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's raining ropes


Well, it's been raining the last few days. I think it's just decided to be the end of summer. So instead of 30c+ everyday we've been having 16c, colder in the mornings. Ick. This is so cold. I'm taking it as God's way of prepping me for proper winter weather in Melbourne after not having winter for a while (kinda been drifting around the place skipping winters everywhere).

Très bonne (very good) week. There was the Swiss national day which was quite nice. I went and watched les feu d'artifice (fireworks) by myself at the last minute in Montreux. Gorgeous. It was so froid (cold) and windy I thought my eyes would fall out so I did the walk home alone before the grande (large) crowd dispersed. People are très happy to be Swiss it seems. It's great. Not quite as "yobbo-ish" as Australia.. dare I say it. Although Australia Day is my favourite day of the year and I am passionate about Aussies.

Anyway, Luke has been having half-days of school this week for our last week in Switzerland.. boohoo. So this afternoon I went to run an errand and ended up getting some pressies for my nieces and nephews (watches, what else would you buy in Switzerland that wouldn't melt?!) and found some gorgeous shops in Lausanne. Beautiful cobbled stoned roads.. and the rain. Ahh, it's so beautiful. J'aime la Suisse (I love Switzerland). Went to find an aussie hairdresser but, alas: "vacance" (he is on vacation). That's the only bit I understood, the rest was French jibberish unfortunately.

Tonight we went out for dinner with our neighbour, Michele. She's really very nice and has lived such a life. She's French but left for Argentina with her family when the war was about the start in the late 30's-early 40's. She lived there 30 years, escaped Argentina to go back to Paris with her 3 children and went into hiding for a year before opening a boutique to sell jewelry to support her children. She's pretty amazing. She lives with her dog, Rumba. She (Rumba) is fairly skitty and doesn't want to be my friend.. fine I say!

It was great to hear some of her story. Get to know someone ahead in life and learn a bit of what they've had to go through in order to appreciate how easy my life has been. Thank God. I mean that.

Well, the wine makes me sleepy so I have to go to sleep now.

Bon nuit,

Bisous xx

P.S. I guess I should explain the title.. you know how English speakers sometimes say "it's raining cats and dogs"? Well, the French saying makes much more sense: " it's raining ropes". Cats and dogs? Honestly.. who thought of it?! Hope you've enjoyed my snippets of le français!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

These are a few of my favourite things..


Well, I have had some boring posts lately so I thought I would continue along the same lines.. here's some things I love, in absolutely random order.
  • outdoors
  • affagatos
  • soul friends
  • trees
  • quality chocolate (quite happy to not have it if it's not the good stuff)
  • the idea of snowboarding (haven't tried it yet)
  • getting inspiration (rhema moments) from the word
  • forests
  • the giddy kind of excitement children get at the simplest of things
  • cute teacups
  • picnics
  • rough (wave-wise) beaches
  • honesty (eg, friends telling me I'm being an idiot when I am..)
  • bushwalks/walks in tree-full places (ok, I know I have already said forests..)
  • good photography
  • walking with God (things aren't ranked ok?)
  • thunderstorms
  • cold weather for sleeping
  • siberian huskies
  • cellos.. they get my heart to float along with the notes
  • laying on grass talking about nothing in part
  • dates with God (special times when you get dressed up and go out, intent to spend some time with God)
  • remembering funny times from my childhood with my stoopid brothers :) haha, when Don made that video clip of us to "I want to ride my bicycle" as we played on mum's frog-green exercise bike, hehee.. do you know where that tape is Donny?!
  • living in God's presence
  • star-watching
  • crying, not being afraid to show emotion at the right times
  • inspirational people
  • candle-lit girls nights
  • everlastings (paper daisy.. pink ones)
  • a good read
  • running in the rain
  • sudoko
  • green eyes (like that afghani girl from National Geographic years ago..)
  • laughing
  • really sharp knives
  • guys with earthy, powerful voices
  • old people (particularly sweet old ladies)
  • dreddies (I don't know why, I just love them..)
  • seeing God's power and love totally change someone's life
  • The Wild Fig Cafe near.. hmm, batemans I think
  • watching a guy's face as he sees his bride walking down the aisle to him at their wedding
  • team sports
  • knowing you're walking in the will of God.. ahh, peace! sweet peace!
  • quality jazz music
  • sitting in the sun with Mum in the front room while she takes 4 hours to read and re-read the paper on a sunday afternoon
  • when I know I am understood and accepted no matter what
  • children's picture books
  • old cars
  • the thought that I will speak French eventually!
  • laughing with Lou as we try to think of as many US towns/cities/states beginning with M.. (how did that start Louey love? oh, I remember.. you and your friend that has a country as a name)
  • wooden furniture - chunky, rustic kinda stuff. wooden floors. wooden houses. ok, I love wood stuff.
  • bass (double-bass, guitar)
  • getting Joyce Meyer's podcast.. woohoo
  • being the President of Kate Reynold's fan club. what an honour..
  • travelling home
  • fine-point pens.. LOVE THEM!
  • driving nowhere for the sake of it

Well that's all I can think of just for the minute. I know there's lots more, just can't drudge it up from the depths at the moment. There's so much to love about life. It'll flash by too fast unless you take time to appreciate the things around you. Even the things that seem so small.

Love you. I mean that.

