Sorry for the lack of postage lately.. have been trying to think of something insanely exciting to write about but don't have anything right now. The weather here has been a little crazy, woke up to some pretty big thunder storms yesterday but it's really warm and sunny today. Am focussing on fitness and health at the moment which has been really good. It would be really easy to stack on the weight here so it just makes you more mindful I guess.
Anyway, enough of that. Here is a photo of my kiddies (no, I have never given birth.. my nieces and nephews)

Ok, so starting from the left there is:
- Caleb (AKA Cabesy), my first beloved nephew. He's 8 years old and extremely sporty. He's catching up with me in the height stakes but is still so cuddly and fun to be around. He's a wizz at maths as well! I miss you my Cabeybaby :(
- Rebekah (AKA Becky-boodles) is a surrogate niece so not related by blood but is still very much a part of the fam. Becky-boodles is also 8 and is a fantastic card maker and is very girly (the girl loves pink) and creative. I'm sorry I missed seeing you on my trip back from India.. we really should plan a girly sleepover with Sav & Nomes when I get back!
- Ethan (AKA Deety, Deety-bops) is my second nephew at 6 years of age. He's a sweetheart, really, what else can I say? Ethan also loves sport (not quite as much) and has a cute giggle. He's also become quite profficient on the keyboard and can even sing at the same time! Look out ladies, you'll find competition when it comes to my boy.. he's a popular young lad at school!
- Savannah (Sav, Savvy-boo, Sazamataz) is my first niece and is 6 as well. Bonjour madamoiselle! She is currently learning French at school and is catching on really quick! Savs is a gymnastic champion and is also a brilliant turbo-kisser (she invented them.. I think). Keep calling me on Skype lovey!
- Jonathan (Jonny-boy) is next. Another surrogate at 6 years of age. Jonny is a sweet heart and is a very active guy! He's also a very ticklish boy!
- Elias (Lyly) comes in next at 5 years of age. Elias has a sweet little voice and loves playing rough outdoors. He gets stuck into everything and I've heard he has a real soft spot for his new baby brother.
- Jazz (Jazzy-boy, rock-head) comes next at 4 years of age (almost 5!). Jazz is a very active little man who loves to keep up with his sister. He's also in gymnastics and can do some great tricks on the trampoline. He has a smile that can charm anyone.. so look out girls!
- Naomi (Omo, Nomeynomes, Nomes) is 4 years old and is a total GIRL! She loves wearing pretty dresses, playing with her doll Mandy, ballet (look out world.. this girl's got potential!) and anything else remotely girly. She is a great hugger, is very friendly and is really fun for a sleepover. A very sensitive, caring wee lass she is! Big hugs from Aunty Kellie xo
- Jonah (Monah, Wonah, Groanah) is my youngest nephew at 2 years old. He's a cutie-pie. He calls me "Delly" or "Telly" most of the time and is keen to get into anything available. He causes me to become a bit nervous with the heights he can climb to but is a very able lad. I miss you Wonah! xx
Absent: Benjamin was born a few days before my departure. Am yet to meet you buddy, but will do so as soon as possible!
So, these are my kids. It's one of the saddest parts of being away is missing seeing you guys as you grow up. It makes me cry when I think about it guys and girls - you're so important to me and I miss you so much! I will try to keep you updated with where I am and what I'm doing. When I am coming home we can plan more exciting days like going to Adventure World etc so we get to spend some fun times together. Please don't forget me!
Love Aunty Kellie (AKA Kel, KellieWellieWoopWoops, KelPels, KP, Butterplied, Schmoops, Stinkypops, Indi, Kelsy, Wood-head, Delly/Telly)
Hi Kellie-wells,
Loved the comments on the kids - they sure wont forget you kiddo, they love their aunty kellie very much, they still pray for you too, as they did when you were in India.
Luv from Balooga big...(u know what!)
Dear Kel
You must have a great gene pool in your family to produce such fantastic nieces & nephews. It's also good that you appreciate them as I'm sure they all love you too.
I'll show S&J your website tonight and see what they think. Savvy will probably think you could have said all of the above, PLUS said she was the best and favourite niece - you know how competitive she is...not sure where she gets it from?
Jazz does have the killer smile - never sure if it's because he's happy, or he's trying to charm you, or if he's currently putting one over you and waiting for you to figure out what he's doing. He's really changed recently - he's not only the most popular boy in class, but the teachers at school and daycare rave about him, particularly his good behaviour and helpful attitude. Wouldn't have thought it possible even months ago when he was going through his hyper/violent phase.
The kids pray for you daily, and miss their Auntie Kellie. Looking forward to getting a webcam at home at some point so you can see them occassionally online! Chris had a cheap model lined up, so it was going to be my birthday present, but we ended up getting a new DVD/VCR instead. Maybe Christmas?
love cybacaT
Aww thanks Donny.
Have you, Robo and the kids have a date planned to see Ice Age 2 yet?
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