Sunday, April 30, 2006
Crying in the mall..
I'm not sure if it's cos I was tired or if I was feeling a little lonely this morning but as I was looking for Mother's Day cards for the girls in my family I started shedding some tears in the middle of the store reading the pathetically weepy messages in some of the cards.. oh my gosh. Have I actually turned into my brother's worst nightmares? Along with the likes of "mama movies" (def. movies which you just cry the whole way through cos they're just so dramatically sad) such as Beaches and Steel Magnolias? Oh crap!! Let's just right it off as PMS so I can salvage a bit of respect from my brothers :)
Mother's Day cards coming your way soon Mama Luigi, Robo, Jools and Gran-heads.
Well, it looks like we'll be leaving the US in about a week so I thought I had better get a bit of shopping done before getting to Switzerland as I've been told by many people how expensive it is.
So, off I went for a stroll around the mall. Had some interesting conversations with some cashiers.. they spoke really slowly and LOUDLY so that I could understand them. I tried to explain that I speak English as well and then they got me.. I have an accent! Well, my my my!! So weird.. I guess in Australia we're so used to have people around from lots of different countries (hang on, the US is supposedly full of immigrants too..) that we can adjust our ears for different accents. Funny stuff. I will just have to speak s..l..o..w..l..y and clearly for everyone.
It is such a beautiful spring day today and I kept wanting to be outdoors enjoying it. So, I had seen a beautiful track and thought I would give it a bash. It turned out to be glorious! My soul just drinks up nature and the peace you find from spending time without humans - just God. Ahh, I feel brand new :) Anyways, had my little ipod there listening to one of the Riverview sermons and it was just excellent! I ended up walking 2.5miles, running 2.25 and walking another .25miles. Not bad hey!! Should assist with my get-fit regime. Bit tired now though.
Hoping to find a good church to go to tonight. Not hoping - believing. I have prayed that I would find a "home" here - a place where spiritually I just fit and can meet some people that relate to God in the same or similar way to me. Will keep you posted (pardon the pun) on where I went.
Well, better get cracking if I want to make it somewhere on time!
Lots of love,
Friday, April 28, 2006
Introducing.. Mr & Mrs Calcott!

Mezzy-Babes (Merrin) and Ad's having a yarn
"YUM!" says Andrea
1 of the Westside Brotherhood (Adam)
The beautiful couple..
So, as you can see, it looked like an extremely perfect (are there degrees of perfection?) day filled with sunshines and smiles and wuv, twu wuv (helps if you've seen the Princess Bride)! So sad I missed it guys, but look forward to looking through your album, hearing more of the details and seeing what the future holds for you both.
Lots of love always,
P.S. As you can see, I still haven't got a handle on the formatting with pictures.. I'm sure you get the idea though.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
As time goes on..
Sorry for the lack of postage lately.. have been trying to think of something insanely exciting to write about but don't have anything right now. The weather here has been a little crazy, woke up to some pretty big thunder storms yesterday but it's really warm and sunny today. Am focussing on fitness and health at the moment which has been really good. It would be really easy to stack on the weight here so it just makes you more mindful I guess.
Anyway, enough of that. Here is a photo of my kiddies (no, I have never given birth.. my nieces and nephews)

Ok, so starting from the left there is:
- Caleb (AKA Cabesy), my first beloved nephew. He's 8 years old and extremely sporty. He's catching up with me in the height stakes but is still so cuddly and fun to be around. He's a wizz at maths as well! I miss you my Cabeybaby :(
- Rebekah (AKA Becky-boodles) is a surrogate niece so not related by blood but is still very much a part of the fam. Becky-boodles is also 8 and is a fantastic card maker and is very girly (the girl loves pink) and creative. I'm sorry I missed seeing you on my trip back from India.. we really should plan a girly sleepover with Sav & Nomes when I get back!
- Ethan (AKA Deety, Deety-bops) is my second nephew at 6 years of age. He's a sweetheart, really, what else can I say? Ethan also loves sport (not quite as much) and has a cute giggle. He's also become quite profficient on the keyboard and can even sing at the same time! Look out ladies, you'll find competition when it comes to my boy.. he's a popular young lad at school!
- Savannah (Sav, Savvy-boo, Sazamataz) is my first niece and is 6 as well. Bonjour madamoiselle! She is currently learning French at school and is catching on really quick! Savs is a gymnastic champion and is also a brilliant turbo-kisser (she invented them.. I think). Keep calling me on Skype lovey!
- Jonathan (Jonny-boy) is next. Another surrogate at 6 years of age. Jonny is a sweet heart and is a very active guy! He's also a very ticklish boy!
- Elias (Lyly) comes in next at 5 years of age. Elias has a sweet little voice and loves playing rough outdoors. He gets stuck into everything and I've heard he has a real soft spot for his new baby brother.
- Jazz (Jazzy-boy, rock-head) comes next at 4 years of age (almost 5!). Jazz is a very active little man who loves to keep up with his sister. He's also in gymnastics and can do some great tricks on the trampoline. He has a smile that can charm anyone.. so look out girls!
- Naomi (Omo, Nomeynomes, Nomes) is 4 years old and is a total GIRL! She loves wearing pretty dresses, playing with her doll Mandy, ballet (look out world.. this girl's got potential!) and anything else remotely girly. She is a great hugger, is very friendly and is really fun for a sleepover. A very sensitive, caring wee lass she is! Big hugs from Aunty Kellie xo
- Jonah (Monah, Wonah, Groanah) is my youngest nephew at 2 years old. He's a cutie-pie. He calls me "Delly" or "Telly" most of the time and is keen to get into anything available. He causes me to become a bit nervous with the heights he can climb to but is a very able lad. I miss you Wonah! xx
Absent: Benjamin was born a few days before my departure. Am yet to meet you buddy, but will do so as soon as possible!
So, these are my kids. It's one of the saddest parts of being away is missing seeing you guys as you grow up. It makes me cry when I think about it guys and girls - you're so important to me and I miss you so much! I will try to keep you updated with where I am and what I'm doing. When I am coming home we can plan more exciting days like going to Adventure World etc so we get to spend some fun times together. Please don't forget me!
Love Aunty Kellie (AKA Kel, KellieWellieWoopWoops, KelPels, KP, Butterplied, Schmoops, Stinkypops, Indi, Kelsy, Wood-head, Delly/Telly)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Getting into shape (not the pear kind)
Well, there is some truth to the saying that everything is big in America.. but fat bottomed girls don't make this rockin' world go round (sorry, that's a line from a song in case you're thinking I'm talking weird) .. so unfortunately people have to combat this inevitable fate with a personal trainer.
Day #1: Well, I am still alive. I just don't like someone watching you to make sure you're doing things right. Probably cos I'm totally unco when it comes to gym equipment etc. Anyway, I've pulled up ok. It actually wasn't that bad - not just gym equipment. We got to do some boxing and also used skipping ropes which was kinda fun. Took me back to jump-rope-for-heart in primary school. Man, I loved that. Boxing is fun.. smashing the stuffing out of something is quite invigorating! Anyway, Mandy thought it was great and went snap-happy :) Here's a snap so you can feel the pain with me.

Take this! And that!
Not much else to report on at this stage. I realise that my posts have all been rather shallow and Kellie-focused so I will try to get some more interesting content. Maybe cos I haven't been going out much (argh!), but I've organised to meet some people my age Friday night so should have some interesting stuff..
(Oh, I did open a dummy trading account today to learn how to trade the forex market.. that is interesting! Rich is teaching us so look out world.. here comes the next millionaire! If only it was that simple..)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hey guys,
Thanks so much for your birthday wishes.. today I turned 24. Your sms', emails, e-cards, phone calls etc made my days (I celebrated the 17th in Aus and US time!) so special. It means so much to know that the people I love at home are thinking of me.. thank you from my heart.
Had a great day: worked for most of the day then relaxed the rest of the arvo with Super Size Me (man, I love that doco). The Swannells took me out to dinner to a really nice fondue restaurant where every course is fondue (except the salad). It was divine. But, my tum really hurts now. I've already scheduled in an early morning walk with Mandy so should help to ease the pain. They really took care of me so well, knowing I was away from all the peeps I love.. so thanks very much Swannells! Thought I'd add a few photos too.. the cool one is the steam coming up from the fondue (no, I'm not a ghost).

Lots of love,
Monday, April 17, 2006
Hoppy Easter!

Ok, so I know Easter has nothing to do with fluffy bunnies, but I thought this photo was quite funny. We had a beautiful dinner last night at the Rankin's which was a joint effort by Sharyn and Scott - fresh salmon, yumbo. Dinner was topped off with an experimental first-use of Sharyn's Christmas present: a chocolate fondue fountain. Everyone was rubbing their sore bellies by the time we'd finished with it.

TIP: don't expect the chocolate to flow unless you add the oil that the instructions say. If you don't the chocolate just kinda blobs down, quite funny as you can see.
Had a lovely night with the Rankins and then had a late night chat with my family for Easter. Got ready and went to church with Mandy at Branch Creek which was pretty good but short-lived. Spent the rest of the day resting and planting some window-pots with some sweet flowers with Luke. Going to get a good night's rest tonight as it's my BIRTHDAY tomorrow! Yay! Not that I have anything to rest for: just work! Mandy booked us into this restaurant, the Melting Pot, for a family dinner which is a fondue place so should be pretty nice.
Hope you had a great Easter with your family and friends, talk soon, Kel x
Sunday, April 16, 2006
My quaint little dwelling

Thought it was about time I brightened the place up with a pic of the place where I'm staying. Most of the houses around here are made similarly with stone and it looks really cute.
There's a pretty blossom tree out the front and an ugly McDonalds and Baskin Robbins across the road.. kinda ruins the ambience. But it's a lovely house anyway :)
Happy Easter! xx
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Chosen 300
Just got in from a great night in Philadelphia. I went with a wonderful family, the Rankins, to a homeless feeding house in the city centre. It was absolutely great - there is a roster system for churches in the area (and ones that aren't really in the area) that prepare all the food for about 200-350 people (approx figures, I can't remember the exact ones) and serve it out to them. The centre opens I couldn't think of a better way to spend Good Friday. The place was not as full as usual, but there were plenty of mouths needing to be fed.
The baseball team from the private boy's school that the Rankin's sons go to was down there tonight and served the guests at the tables. What a fantastic place to learn the real stuff about life. Scott and Sharon Rankin are a remarkably generous couple who have sown a great seed into this project since it's conception are are committed to going down to the centre with their children each week to help out. They're really inspiring people and I'm so grateful they let me come along for the ride.
The way these men and a few women are treated is with the utmost respect: "treat anyone who comes in as our guest, not as homeless people" which is just beautiful. Shedding a little tear here, but it's such a tangible way to show God's love and to cater (quite literally!) for people's physical needs when no one else around seems to really care.
If you want to check them out it's If you wanted to donate, I'm sure you could. Or it may just make you think about people in your own city, wherever you are.. Just wanted to get you thinking as it's really inspired me! There's so many people in the world doing great stuff to benefit others.. I love it.
Night! xx
Thursday, April 13, 2006
A great read
Well worth a read!
On vegemite and air travel..
Does air travel change tastebuds or is it some strange way of trying to feel as though I do belong somewhere?
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
The adventure begins.. Philadelphia
Well, actually, we arrived into New York first. It was night time and after standing around for what seemed like hours to go through customs we made it through the doors out of the airport! It was dark and rainy.. kinda what I picture New York to be like. Flying in all you could see was grey buildings and lots of little lights that seemed to be chasing each other. All the trucks seemed like little children's toys..
It was all kind of sureal to be in the US already. After cramming into a car we sped "home" to Philadelphia. The guesthouse we stayed in is really nice. Everyone just crashed and work up pretty early in the morning as the ladies went to the supermarket.
We've been here a week now (I didn't get around to actually publishing any posts..oops) and I've settled in to the time, the driving on the wrong side by myself, the weather etc
I'm keen to take some snaps and put them up here so you guys can see what suburban Philadelphia is like in Spring.
Till then.. xx