Sunday, December 17, 2006

Long, long time no post


Well it's been a jolly long time since I last posted. I can't really even call myself a blogger anymore. Many excuses for that which such as

- I moved house and don't have wireless at home anymore so it's a bit of an effort to actually blog
- I haven't really felt like blogging
- I am a bit too busy and distracted.

Work has been going really well. I've been there a month and a half now and feel as though I have settled in quite a bit. I'm learning a lot and feel as though it's a great move career-wise. I'm a Rocky Bay.. not sure if I mentioned that before. I'm in Human Resources which is something new and I love it.

The new house is going really well - it's so not an effort to live with these 2 lovely ladies. They're so laid back and we get along really well. We even have a dog that I actually like (not a big dog fan). They're the kinds of girls you can just be yourself around.. which is so important for a home (it's not just a house for me..).

Adam and I have been going really well. I'm not going to get soppy on here as it's unneccesary and I want to save you guys the pain. We're still just weekend friends but it works out alright. We're happy anyway :) I've got a photo of us which I'll chuck up on the blog sometime.

Hmm.. Life has been crazy busy, especially the last month. Everything kinda happened at once! Christmas time is also busy. I haven't actually started Christmas shopping properly yet. I think I've got 1 present. Woohoo..

This is a boring kind of update but I just thought I should write something before I am forgotten in the world of blogs!

Peace out noobs,

Love Kel


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