Some absolutely gorgeous girls came into my world between 9-13 years ago (depending on which year of school we started together) and God has poured out his love through them. Some people complain about high school and what a rough time it was, and although a lot of us had our shit happening, it was so God-purposed that we had each other. You're intelligent, gifted, God-loving, fun, unique, caring, hilariously silly, BEAUTIFUL girls.. I love you all so much. So many seasons of life together - ups and downs -and we're still loving each other and moving forward. Cheers to you girls! And to the others overseas, whether in Cali, London or Tenerife (!).. big schoolgals love to you.. we shall all reunite soon! Any dibs on the next wedding? My money's on Zo or Lu :)

Special tribute to Lou who has recently returned from another trip to Kenya. (NOTE: You are a domestic goddess, never fear my dear!) So many great stories from this trip.. need to hear some more. This photo is from Hope House where they fed/diapered/clothed/cuddle multiple babies. The other photos just showed babies everywhere, all orphaned. How different life is for some. God chose for me to be born where I was for a reason, therefore I can't feel guilty for that. But, it's not only my responsibility, but my honour to do what God needs of me (I am one person, I realise) to do. God, please grow me to always look outwards, look at their faces, listen to their stories, hear their heart. Show me what to do God. I want to live beyond me. Please show me..

Love Kel
1 comment:
That piccy at the end is priceless!
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