This is a funny photo from when Amz, Anita and I were sharing the room. I miss them, particularly Amz. By the way, the hair is Amy's. Hehe, funny huh.
Been updating the photos on my flickr site if you wanted to take a look. For some reason the photos of Paris just don't want to load on blogger. I've tried many, many times. You can check them out on flickr if you want to. As you can see above, other photos load. GRR! I wish I knew html. This is my flickr site again (for your sake Ma): http://www.flickr.com/people/whereiskelnow/
Better posts coming up soon!
Love Kel
P.S. Totally off the subject, we have a really nice neighbour here, Michelle, who is a middle aged woman. She has had an interesting life so far, including living in Argentina for 30 years. Her 2 year old granddaughter is visiting this week from Paris and is SOO cute. She's just like a little smiley doll.. aww :)
hey kel,
you look hot with that colour hair!! i love it. have you ever tried that colour? I can't wait to see you. you must be excited to be coming home. is it for good or just a while? I'm doing great thanks for the post
miss ya
Hey - it's Amelie!!
Cool photo Kel - had Savvy in stitches.
The kids liked your photos - thanks for all those. Savvy liked the Eiffel Tower and the Igloo the best. Jazz was more interested in pics of you.
Thanks for taking the time to get all those photos and put them up to share!
Hey Kel
At first glance at the photo I saw Kristy Lee and also a bit of me (scary eh?) I still love my blonde haired blue eyed gal so dont change it pal
lol Dora
Kel you look Gorgeous with that hair colour it really brings out your stunning eyes! :-)
Love ya
hey kellandra-bob!! :)
goodness i miss you too!
its just not as interesting and exciting without you!
plus. no more silly deals to call luke 'pooky' and you 'kellandra-bob' :)
they were fun!
ill have to send you some photos from back home! :)
love and miss you heaps!!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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