create your own visited country map
How cool is that.. I've been to so few countries (not sure if I've been to all 50 USA states.. Dad, do you remember how many?).. there's so much left to explore! Aww Fiji is small :( It's not quite accurate as it colours in the whole country even if you've only been to one town or whatever. Nevermind, you get the idea!
Lots of people ask the question: if you could go to any country in the world, where would you want to go? Next on my list is France (going to Paris on the weekend to see Soph, yay!).. but somewhere I've always wanted to go to is Bolivia, then Mongolia. I know I'll get there someday soon!
How about you.. where do you want to go? Or what is your most favourite place you've been to so far?
Hey Kel, yeah still at Clough although I keep thinking about a change but sticking at it. Pen n me are doing good too, lifes a bit hectic at the mo but we're getting there, still at Basso too. We're teaching Gemma (our staffy) to play soccer, we got her a $10 soccer ball from Rebel Sport and she has already 'peeled' the ball of its shiney blue covering. Its funny watching her when your outside as she starts smacking it round with her paws before trying to naw it to death (o:
Plans for travelling? Well Pen wants to go back to Canada, both wouldn't mind going to Scottland and both definately want to go to Fiji but have stuff to do to the house thats taking all our money at the mo . . . maybe one day thou.
How are you going for church over seas? Do you hunt around for one when you get to a new place or hows it work? Jodes was hunting for a while when in Sydney then found a pretty good Anglican place to go too.
Gotta run an get back to work, have a goodn an look after yourself (o:
Hi Kel
The US states that I can recall taking you to are:
Georgia. Hawaii. South Carolina. North Carolina. Nevada. Pennsylvania. New York. Washington. Maine.Rhode Island. New Jersey. New Hampshire. Delaware. Vermont. Connecticut. Maryland. Florida. Alabama. Missouri. Kentucky. Tennessee. Virginia. West Virginia. California. Arizona. Massachusetts.
That is 26 of the 50 states. Some of them we just drove through and others we spent some time there.
Those were a whole pile of questions... It's really complicated, because in some ways it's easy, and in some it's really hard. The people here have a totally different cultural background from us, that affects every little part of life, and makes it hard for us to understand them. And of course there's the insanely difficult language. On the other hand, almost everyone I've met have been really nice. I don't often meet the hostility to christianity that I get in Norway.
There are lotsa other things too, but I'd have to write a whole book. And I've only been here for a year...:)
Im dunno what I like most, I haven't really thought about it. I just like it here...
And I want to go to the amazon:)
Hello Kellie,
Hmmm..good question. Haven't really reflected on all the places I have visited as a whole. I've been to the west coast of the US, western Europe, Middle East, India and Australia. Here are my favourites, going west to east.
San Francisco (where I have 1 cousin now, the other moved to LA), Yosemite National Park and the Grand Canyon in the US.
Dubai where I spent about half my childhood before coming to its changed.
Bangalore the city of my birth and home to most of my family. The meeting place for all my cousins scatterd all over the world! I have many fond memories as a child here.
And of course Perth my home. After visiting all those places there is no place like home!
Oops I forgot. We went to Mexico with you. Thats when I bought that alabaster bull!
hmm barcelona is one city thats sticks out.. its so arty.. everything about it was just awesome.. the gaudi building.. picasso museum.. the football stadium.. the food the views the culture.. its a city that loves art and its artits.. seeing im an art lover i love this city.. i highly recommend this fine city.. two enthusiastic thumbs up
hi kkel! i do remember you.. i do.. welll hows things going for you? where in the world are you right now? i heard you were leaving but i didnt get an opportunity to say bye or anything.. but i'm sure God is keeping you happy and safe! well i hope to hear from you more often ..and the "Adventures of Kel!" have a good week and be blessed ;)
I'd have to say Cambodia. Although i am not sure i could pysch myself up to go back there again, i will never forget the things i saw. They are ingrained in my memory and they make me appreciate the things i have now.
I came back and was just so grateful for simple things like traffic lights and road rules, clean tap water, electricity (there were medical clinics in some of the remote areas that had no electricty or running water!), quiet and peaceful restaurants (with no sad eyes or limbless beggars watching me eat my meals), good hospitals, good educational facilities, etc...
I think going to places like that, change you from the inside out. I never would have sponsored a child if i hadn't gone there and that's something that has really blessed me. Right from the start, my cell group and i prayed for protection for my little boy and his family and one day i received a letter from his mum saying there had been hurricanes in his area that had caused widespread damage all around, but they had m,issed his house! That totally is God ;o) Awesome, hey!!!
I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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