Today it's all rain and thunder (and lightning of course), no one's playing, everyone's inside, not many signs of life..
I know your temperament can be changed by the weather (eg, look at the suicide rates in those countries with few daylight hours), but I sometimes wonder if the weather change is just God agreeing with me.. I mope, He mopes with me.
This last 7 days has been pretty tough. Gone to bed crying 5 out of 6 nights. I'm sick of it. The most homesick I've been before but in a different way. I'm happy to reside in a different country for a time - I am not complaining as He's blessed my socks off. And I do love God and He is all I need. But sometimes I just want the comfort of time with my Mellie, my Andrea, my Loulou. Just chilled out times where I can just cry and not have to explain why. I don't have to be embarrassed when my nose goes red from crying. As Mel's said, it's time for a good dose of a box of kleenex and a block of black forest (can't wait to see you..).
Sorry if this seems like a poor me. I know others have these times, so just showing I can relate :)
It's ok chickie. It's weird you say that you feel that way in Europe, I felt exactly the same, like within a week of my arrival in Europe, I was a total mess (in Paris to be exact). I think it's the fact that I couldn't speak the language...made life so difficult and that I missed home.
I cried many tears at the river (how ironic!) in Paris...some how, being away from home here in Singapore isn't as bad (I guess because I'm married!)...but there's still...nothing...like...home....
*taps her sparkly red shoes*
Keep up the conversation with God as He gives us the patience and He is the one who shows us the importance of appreciation. You're in a beautiful place, take it in...and have a your cake while your at it!
Beautiful picture Kel.
Oh WOW, that view is AMAZING!!!
Hope things are picking up.
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