Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Drills ahoy
That's about all I have to write right now.. school starts in ten minutes so I've gotta run. More assembling after school. It's fun! Amz and I make the perfect team :)
Monday, May 29, 2006
My prayers were answered! (not that I'm surprised at that :))
Yesterday we went to a church of the C3 (CCC) flavour.. C3 Lausanne. My buddy Uee goes to C3 is Glasgow and Mark from college goes to C3 Hepburn Heights. Anyway, it was SO good. The worship was in French which was cool (we've all be wandering around singing "God is so good" in French! hehe) and then the sermon was in English, translated into French. Perfecto! The people were all really down-to-earth, friendly and just lovely! I met a really nice girl from the YWAM base nearby so am going to try to get to their Thursday night thing. Definitely going back to C3 next Sunday and am going to look into cell groups and other stuff they have going on. It's a 15 minute drive or something but it's well worth it!
Here's the website: if you wanted to look.
The guy who started the church with his wife, Mark, is American (married to a British/Swiss lady who was so smiley and lovely!) and gave a great message. He spoke on the laying on of hands and gave all the places in the new testament that it talks about laying on hands to see the sick healed and for people to receive an infilling of the HS. It's true. Jesus' last words in Mark are about laying hands on the sick to see them healed. I totally know the power of God to heal, in my own body and in the bodies of others - and in miraculous ways too.
Just before I left Perth I went to VLC (Margaret Court is the pastor) and heard the testimony of this guy Phil who hadn't walked in 2 years and walked out to share his healing testimony. God is doing great stuff and we (I am preaching to myself here..) are priveleged to be in the family of God and be a part of it. People are searching for our God, who loves, cares, protects and showers mercy, grace and forgiveness on us. We've got a personal relationship with Him which is mind-blowing! I have been over-awed by how spoilt just to know God and that He is with me always and will never leave me. That is amazing!! All we have to do is submit and obey and God does the rest.
Bit of a mixed-up post and I hope I didn't freak anyone out by being overly-Christian. I just have to share what's going on as I'm excited and share what is the truth. And so excited about finding a church family! We even met a couple that are a bit older than me that are from Adelaide!
Oh, the rest of the day Luke and I went out on the pedal boats again but it was brewing a storm and very rough, so we just buzzed around for a half hour before going ashore. Managed to drop Mandy's camera case (note: not the camera) into the lake.. hope it's still doing ok at the bottom.. :( Good job Kellie.. )
Sunday, May 28, 2006
What a beautiful day it was.
What a pretty pink flower
Well, after a quick dash of furniture shopping in the morning, I had a pretty relaxing day.. did some family phone calls (it's such a pain with the time difference.. weekends are really my only time to call.. boohoo) and managed to get through to my newlywed pal, Adeline, with a really bad line. She's been ill with a kidney infection, poor love. On the mend now though.
So, I did a bit of wandering around town, got my eyelashes tinted, did some shoe shopping.. ya know: all the important stuff.
Then I came home and decided that it was too nice a day for my boy Luke to be at home.. so off we went down the hill to find us some adventure! We found some pedal boat thingies that you can hire for a measily price of Ch. 20/hr!! That's the cheapest thing I've found in all of Switzerland to date! Anyhoo, Luke and I knicked off in one of these boats and set off across the lake.. pedalling away. The sun beat upon our brow but we kept pedalling. We had a goal in sight: Montreux's most famous castle (and one of Luke's most favourite places - apparently the old fashioned toilet is really cool): Chateau de Chillion. It was a fair way off and I didn't actually think we would make it there and back in an hour, but by golly we were going to give it all we had!
Here are some snaps from the beginning of the journey, going around the castle and just a cute shot of Luke.
Whoa, how small does the castle look?! Oh! It's getting bigger..
That's one BIG castle! (View from the back)
Luke, my buddy, with France in view behind
(it must've been near the start cos there's still a faint smile..)
A view from on the lake (the water is so clean I think you could drink it)
I then thought I would have a bit of child-like fun and play Luke's computer game of Risk. Poor thing, from "just let me finish this game Luke!" to "wait, I'll conquer Europe in my next attack turn then it's your turn" to "WAIT 5 MINUTES LUKE!!" and finally, "you didn't want to play the game until I did - go away! It's MINE!". Hehe, ok, now I'm slightly addicted!
What a great day. Think we're going to go to a closer English church tomorrow which should be good. Saves me getting the train to Geneva again!
Well, peace out. Rather tired after a hard day's.. umm, sight-seeing?
Love Kel
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Brekky time!
Having grown up, my favourite cereal is bircher muesli (which is the great thing being here.. the inventers of it.. they make amazing bircher muesli!). Although, Special K (no, not me.. the cereal) with banana and strawberry is the flavour of this month.
Anyway, just interested to know what your favourite cereal is? Or if you're not a cereal person, what is your favourite brekky?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Word to my doggs
For those that don't know, I have 3 older brothers. It sucked at times growing up when they were into WWF and I was good to "clothesline" and all.. but for the most part it's brilliant. I don't think I missed out by not having sisters (plus now I have some great sister-in-laws and gorgeous girlfriends) as boys are cool (not in the "I love every boy" kinda way..). Here's a bit about them:
Donny (Don) is my eldest brother weighing in at 35 years old! Sorry Don, it's not that old, just sounds like it from this side of life.. hehe. Don is hyper-competitive (which I'm not saying is a bad thing!) and is really good at sport. We've gotten closer since he moved out and got married, had kids and that which makes sense cos I was 11 and really annoying when he moved out. He's a great Dad and husband (right Ro...?!) and is keen to see me succeed in life. He's kinda on a pursuit of excellence you could say. He's got some funny habits but that's why we love you Donny :) His tough exterior is just for show.
Random fact: He made some amazing ninja/80's martial arts movies back in the day. Still a fan of Monkey Magic.
Paul is next at 33 (?) years of age. Paul married a lovely girl Julie and has 4 kids. Paul is a bit of softie and a joker. He's got lots of patience for teaching people things.. it might come from all the time playing golf as that's pretty pain-stakingly slow :P hehe. Paul is also really good at sport, but tends to play different stuff to Don. Paul is always keen to help out with things that guys are good at such as car stuff, fixing things that I don't know how to fix and just other general helpfulness!
Random fact: His nickname growing up was Pauly-Possum-poos...
Chris is my closest in age at 25 years old. He's got a nice girlfriend, Irene, who I hope will end up my sister-in-law (no pressure guys!). We fought a fair bit growing up due to the closeness in age. Apparently I used to whine and dob on him to mum all the time (hehe, never!) but we've gotten on heaps better since we've matured (have we matured...?). hehe. Chris is a bit of a computer guy but he has a great sense of humour. Well, not great to all, but great to me. We have spent hours laughing at practically nothing. I really miss that. No one else is quite as random as you, Rissy.
Random fact: He likes Sopranos and REM.

They're all pretty different. Whenever we're together there's always some kind of sport involved which is the only way I get to talk with them, through participating too. They're cool though. I love them all and miss them a lot. I hope you get to meet them one day!
Love Kel
It's raining, it's pouring.

Today it's all rain and thunder (and lightning of course), no one's playing, everyone's inside, not many signs of life..
I know your temperament can be changed by the weather (eg, look at the suicide rates in those countries with few daylight hours), but I sometimes wonder if the weather change is just God agreeing with me.. I mope, He mopes with me.
This last 7 days has been pretty tough. Gone to bed crying 5 out of 6 nights. I'm sick of it. The most homesick I've been before but in a different way. I'm happy to reside in a different country for a time - I am not complaining as He's blessed my socks off. And I do love God and He is all I need. But sometimes I just want the comfort of time with my Mellie, my Andrea, my Loulou. Just chilled out times where I can just cry and not have to explain why. I don't have to be embarrassed when my nose goes red from crying. As Mel's said, it's time for a good dose of a box of kleenex and a block of black forest (can't wait to see you..).
Sorry if this seems like a poor me. I know others have these times, so just showing I can relate :)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
God = BIG
God is big. Bigger than me. Bigger than you. Bigger than what you're going through or ever will go through. My small mind can't even imagine how big He is. He's endless. And we get to know Him intimately. His love for us is crazy. Makes me eternally grateful to have my life in His hands and not my own. His huge, powerful yet caring, tender hands.
Sending my love out to you Abba-Daddy xx
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Wise words from Joyce Meyer
In God's Waiting Room
My times are in Your hands....—Psalm 31:15
If we could understand God's timing, we could better cooperate with His plan for our lives. However, we may never completely understand. When we don't know, we must be satisfied to know the One Who knows. If we are going to walk with Him and enjoy His blessings, we must learn to let God be God.
Most of us attempt to take the lead role in our relationship with the Lord. He has a position, and He will not change it. We must change. He has the lead role. He gives the instructions, and we follow—even though we don't always like the way He chooses to take us.
Timing is an important issue in our walk with God. Why does it take God so long to do what we ask Him to do? Trust always requires unanswered questions which keep us growing in faith.
God has a plan and a timing. While we are in God's waiting room, He is getting us ready for what He already has prepared for us. We must grow up and mature. It takes time. As we reach new levels of maturity, God releases new levels of blessings.
You may be in the habit of taking care of yourself. Retire from self-care. God wants to take care of you. He is faithful, and you can depend on Him.
Personally, I am guilty of trying to take the lead in my relationship with God. Putting Him in His box for when I need Him or want Him. Not letting Him be God. Thank God, He's helping me as I surrender more to Him day by day. Growing up with a more religious thought-pattern when it comes to God, I have been learning that the more I give of myself and what is "mine" to God, the more freedom I experience. It's weird. God's ways are bigger than mine, and it's only through hindsight that I can see what He was up to when I was lead down a particular path. But the old book is so true when it says :
"and we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" Romans 8:28
We may not understand why we're going through something but when you yield to God and trust Him that He knows what is best and what is in our future, you can really begin to experience life with God. It all starts with trust. Sometimes easier said than done when it looks like you may miss out or things don't seem fair. From my experience, my God never disappoints. He is good, faithful and just and takes better care of me than I will ever be able to! Thanks!!
On that note, I'll be off. Had a lovely evening walk into town with Amz and breathed deeply the chilled air from the lake.. so refreshing. Ready for a good night's sleep!
Love Kel
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Ze Matt(erhorn)
Well since the last post we spent a couple of days in Zermatt (home town of the Matterhorn.. big mountain). We didn't have any plans so it was pretty laid back. Very restful.
I have been getting a lot of feelings of being cooped up lately, so I tried to escape to the great outdoors as much as possible. Did some solo sight-seeing, going on a 45 minute cog-wheel train up the side of a few mountains to a beautiful viewing spot of the Matterhorn. I didn't really know where the train was going so I didn't really dress for the snow, once again, and got rather chilled. Hung out in the snow for a few hours, listened to a great Riverview podcast of Paul Morrison on Patience. Not sure what date it was from, but it's a great message if you're into podcast thingies (I'm a total noob with it all..). He told a great story about his wife, Bec's, grandfather and God's patience with him and all of us. It's amazing when you think of what a relational God He is and how He just longs to be with us and for us to want to be with Him. Yet, He waits patiently for us to accept Him, then to actually spend time with Him and know Him deep in our hearts.. it is quite a process (well, for me anyway). Yet God doesn't stand there tapping his feet, holding a grudge. He just has open arms, full of love. It's overwhelming, isn't it? When people say "God is love" He really is. His patience alone shows it. Why did/does my flesh/natural being sometimes want to be so disgusting as to think spending time with God is a chore? I get so outraged with myself at times. It's ridiculous. I'm fairly new to the whole disciplining the flesh in line with my spirit, but it works. I know that my spirit longs for God and more than 10 minutes a day. We are now under the covenant (ick, religious word!) to be with God as Adam was.. freely and openly. I want to get to that place where my spirit is totally in control of what I want in life, which is to do the will of God, to know Him deeper and closer everyday. Thank God for His grace, kindness and abundance of patience.
Whoa, anyway.. Zermatt was great. Mountains and beautiful villages (will load more photos on when I find a connector thingy). We're back in Montreux where we're staying in an apartment on the mountain till the other apartment is ready. It's really nice here. Went grocery shopping and was gobsmacked at the prices. Although, with all the warnings in travel guides etc, I shouldn't have been. Oh well. It's raining so I didn't have a chance to play outside this afternoon. We are living up a steep hill so I might force myself to walk a long way down just so I am forced to walk up.. hehe, I love tricking myself into more exercise.
I hope this post has made any sense to anyone. It's really just ramblings, sharing what's in my head at this very moment which is probably not a good idea for me to keep doing these late night entries.. oops. I really am a morning person.
Will write an early morning, sensible post shortly :)
Love Kel
Monday, May 15, 2006
Update from the last few days..
Woke up early (body not quite in Swiss mode), chucked some runners on and went strolling around the lake. Boy, it was beautiful. There were clouds over the water and the sun was just beginning to spread over the town. So pretty. After not walking very far due to the blisters from the previous day's walk, headed through town to find somewhere to have coffee. Discovered that all along the lakeside there are markets on Friday. Found some cute knickknacks for my nieces and nephews, found a market with some water and headed back home. Everyone was very friendly, greeting with "bonjour". After everyone else woke up we had a beautiful breakfast followed by some solid accommodation hunting. Ended up finding some short-term and longer term accommodation at the end of the hunt which was fantastic for a few hours work!
View of Montreux from the hotel room (a bit cloudy so can't see the peaks behind)
Had a late lunch in a cafe on the river, then Luke and I headed off for some serious Swiss army knife shopping. There was many a knife to be found so we thought it would be best (ok, I thought it would be best..) to ask mum and dad's advice about which features were required to cut the list down a bit. A thunderstorm was brewing so we made a quick exit back to the hotel. Bummed around for the rest of the night, had a bit of an early one (I think so anyway, I'm kinda just making that bit up as I can't rememer what I did!).
Woke up at 8:15.. very late for me! Strolled down and had a wonderful breakfast. You know, swiss bircher muesili is actually very tasty when in Switzerland. Who knew? After realising that our next accommodation was available from Tuesday it was decided that we were going to explore the regions around the lake for the next few days. Off we went! We left around midday, went around the lake for about 30 minutes until we got to France. That side of the lake doesn't get as much sunshine so it's not quite as shiny and happy. Still beautiful, but not so upmarket perhaps. Continued along the shore where we got to Evian.. home of the water factory! It was a really pretty town and we stopped under an Evian umbrella for a bite to eat before continuing on. I had to take the cheesey tourist shot.. just for you guys!

I am holding a bottle of Evian with a lake-view in the background - so french!
Along the coast there were some gorgeous French towns! Really quaint little houses.. the type with window-boxes and tulips growing in them. So pretty. Kept driving until we got to Geneva.. the hub of the south of Switzerland. Gorgeous city. It was a bit of a brief drive-through but they had a beautiful water fountain in the middle of the lake. Definitely a place I want to revisit for a thorough look through. The chocolate we picked up there was to die for. The Swiss certainly know how to do chocolate well!
Piled back in the car and drove on to Chamonix where we thought it would be nice to stay the night. Justin has told me about Chamonix before and I had big expectations. Fortunately they were all met as we arrived.. the place was gorgeous. I know I keep using the same descriptive words, but I am just not sure how I can cram so much goodness into such a short description and do it justice. I can't. Anyhoo, Chamonix is divine. Honeymoon material, for sure!
Had the most delightful sleep with my new (yet expensive) eye mask. Interesting fact for those that have never slept near me: I wear an eyemask and ear plugs to bed every night - they are an important part of my life :) Slept in till 8:15!! woohoo! Got up, had a bit of coffee, packed up and headed towards the mornings adventure: going up the cable car to a mountain near Mont Blanc, at 3842m high. I was afraid of heights so was especially keen to do this to push myself a bit. Boy is was high but it was amazing.. let me tell you. Beautiful snowy mountains everywhere to be seen and Chamonix suddenly looked like a little toy-town from that high up. Spent a couple of hours up there, visiting the different viewing points. Rich took some snaps of Amy and I and said the best place would be for us to sit on the ledge. That may be true but my legs went to jelly at the thought of popping up and risk falling a long, long way (that's why Amy was holding me and I wasn't smiling too much..). It was jolly cold and it was amazing how out of breath you get up that high running up and down the stairs.

Amz and I in the clouds with Chamonix in view next to my elbow
Downed some red wine from the cafe on the peak to warm the heart and to make it to the top viewing point. Thought it was a good time to give mum her Mother's Day phone call.. she had a nice day and my brothers apparently cooked a nice lunch for mum and my sister-in-laws. Good job lads! Happy Mother's Day again Dora :)

Me, being a bit close-eyed with Mont Blanc behind!
After that we bid a tearful farewell to Chamonix and took off towards the Swiss border. We took a drive through the alps pass towards a town called Martingy. Because it is Spring time and the snow is all melting, there were lots of waterfalls spouting down the sides of the mountains. Nice!
Driving along we were discussing the different places we could stay overnight and it was decided a short drive was the best idea. Off we went to Zermatt, hometown of the Matterhorn (BIG mountain). It is a car-free zone so we parked out car at the nearest town, Tasche (spelling might be off) and caught a quick train to Zermatt. On departing the train there is a sign with all the accommodation sites available, a brief description, pricing and a 3-digit code. You punch in the number on one of the keypads and it shows an electronic map with the location in relation to the train station. I tell you: these Swiss people are pretty clever! They also had a phone there that you could punch in the same number and call for free to check a booking (or make one in our case). The only available accommodation that looked nice was on the outskirts of town, maybe a 5 minute walk, and for a minimum 2 nights. We thought there would be plenty to see so we took it. Off we went in an electric taxi (hey, we were tired after the days events!) and arrived at our destination.
The place is decked out in wood and so beautiful. Luke was lucky enough to get a loft room all to himself! The apartment is delightful! I would thoroughly recommend this place for anyone coming to Zermatt (Casa Vanessa). After just absorbing the view with many more "wow"s and "ahh"s we headed out to a local italian restaurant for dinner. The waiters were really funny and it was so yum. Wandered back through the town and have been writing this post since. Looked up snowboarding lessons but it's rather expensive for a once-off kinda thing. Rich said to wait till there's more snow near Montreux and they would show me how to ski. Yay. Then I can give snowboarding a go :)
Hope to do some outdoor adventuring tomorrow. Perhaps a hike or something. The problem is I packed for Spring. Yet it's still snowy here. I'm sure I'll cope! Want to get to the top of the Matterhorn (by cable car.. not quite up to hiking that in a day unprepared.. yet!) and take some more snaps.
Tired now, goodnight!
Love Kel
Friday, May 12, 2006
I am pinching myself so jolly hard..
Ok, after surviving the nasty customer service by the people in Newark airport we were on the plane to Geneva.
Besides feeling a little strange from missing a nights sleep, I am gob-smacked. I kept saying under my breath in the car from Geneva to Montreux "thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God" etc. It is so beautiful here. Just so picturesque and serene... ahh I am so close to heaven! I've taken snaps but as we'rejust plonked in a hotel I haven't managed to get set up with cables etc.
Montreux is gorgeous! We are just popping out now to look at a holiday apartment so I have to run. Hope to post later tonight with photos.
Boy, I am so grateful to be here. It's a dream come true!!
Love Kel
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The showdown: India vs. USA
Well, it's not really a fair comparison. I mean, the intention behind the visits are totally different, the length of stay is also not equal, but may I say (this may anger a few Americans) but as "unique" as India is.. I really do prefer it to the USA (purely from my experience of the small part I have been in). Dare I say, I would even have preferred to have been in India for a month rather than the US. This is not to dog the US, but simply to uplift my second home.. India!
Sure, it's crazy.. sure there's animals on the roads, horns beeping constantly, people begging, those darn hindu prayers at 5am everyday, smells that assault your whole sensory system - it's like a circus of a country. But there's something about the place that I just love. As I've been packing tonight to leave the US it's bringing back so many memories of my times in India. I miss my Indian family. I miss my brothers and sisters. There are so many unjust things there (don't get me started on the caste system!) but there is more to love than not. The culture may seem backward at times to us Westerners, but there is so much richness and history behind it that is not only fascinating but it is also just so foreign to our Aussie culture (which I LOVE mind you) that it really draws me in.
If you're reading this Sagar or Chinni, please know I think of you guys everyday (and the rest! Ok, maybe not all 315 of you EVERYday..) and eagerly look forward to seeing you again as soon as possible. You're in my heart. Always.

On that note.. better get back to packing my beloved bag/mobile home.
Love Kel
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Had a journal date at a cute coffee shop in Ambler, was so relaxingly wonderful.. (thanks to the Saxby's for the beautiful new chinese journal!) wandered down the road window shopping until I found a place I could get my hair cut. Hehe, it was an african american salon and I ended up looking rather funny with "flips". hehe. Sunday was a glorious Spring day so I had a picnic for one in the garden. Twas delightful! Boy, I miss the company of my friends though :(
We're off to Switzerland on Wednesday arvo. Been pretty busy planning for that (packing things up here, getting set up there) of late. We'll be staying in Montreux.. anyone know anything good around there besides the view?
Very dull and boring post at this stage, think it's the late night and red wine. Will write something amazingly spectacular soon!
Love Kel
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Junkie blog survey
Your Inner Child Is Surprised |
Friday, May 05, 2006
Really important survey.. like.
(Gotta get our hair done before going to Montreux as my French is not quite up to speed with getting haircuts etc. Yay, we're leaving next Wednesday!)
Cast your votes ladies and gents!
NYC, we went, we played.. we're pooped
Well, went to New York today.. Got up at 5:30 to get ready for the day.. too early my friends!
Went for a long drive (I think it took about 2 hours) and went into Manhattan. We went to a museum called Intrepid ( which is an old ship/airforce carrier that was used in some wars and is really big and is now a museum. Went through that for a few hours till we were exhausted.

Amy and I in the g-force flight simulator.. the thing turns upside-down and I was a really bad pilot..
Caught a cab to Broadway and wandered around aimlessly looking for recognizable stuff. Took some snaps and was just amazed at how "city-ish" it looked. Hustle-bustle and all of that. Did some tourist shopping and shoe shopping (important to do at any location) and then got going to beat the peak hour traffic.
Some famous place on Broadway
It was a bit of a whirlwind trip and I have lots of things that I want to do next time I go back (which I think should be in July). Good to go scope the place out before you have a longer stay I reckon!
New shoe.. and my mongo foot that I'd been sitting on for 1/2 an hour..
So, anyway, who's been there or wants to go there? What have you done there or what would you like to do? Would love to hear what's the go!
Love Kel
I know it's a rather dull post.. that's what happens when I'm tired..
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Start spreadin' the news...
Heading there today, will let you know how it went :)
Love Kel
Monday, May 01, 2006
How are these lyrics?
"Air" by Youth Alive NSW (probably a fairly old album)
Holy, in Your arms
Like a newborn child
I'm desperate, Lord, for more of You
Touch me with Your love
Deep within my heart
I'm waiting, Lord, for more of You
May Your words of love
wash over me
May Your songs of grace
cover me
More than the air I breathe today
I need You
More than the desert needs the rain
I need You
More than the air I breathe today
I need You
More than to live another day
I need You.. Lord
Brings to light the important stuff hey? I like to start my day listening to this kind of stuff: set my heart and mind on eternal stuff so I can live outta that perspective rather than the whiney, complacent, selfish perspective my flesh would gladly just go along with. Did you know that we actually do need God in our lives more than air? That's a pretty huge statement but it's the truth. I love being in that place of desperation where I know that all I have is God. I pray I would follow Him everyday of my life and leave a legacy of Christ's love. Man, I so want to get to Big Dad's house and hear "well done Kellie, my good and faithful servant". My heart's ambition.. I'm gonna get there.
Why am I so white all the time?
Well, today was Sunday. So off I went to a church that I found on the net. "The Prevailing Church International".. sounded good enough to me. The website had this really cute audio file playing as an intro where they've changed a Destiny's Child song into "I'm a prevailer, I'm not gonna give up.." in place of "I'm a survivor..". Quite amusing! Anyway, website is if you wanted to have a look. I tell you, Phil would never have to ask "are you with me?" if he was in that church! They let you know they're listening!!
So, I rock up early and soon discover I am the only white person in the neighbourhood let alone at church! Hehe, it was really fun though and I sat with some beautiful old ladies that were sisters (one of them travels over an hour every week to get there). The service was a lot longer than I am used to, having been spoilt with churches that know people tend to drift off after 40 mins. It went for 2.5 hours but I think the cold air kept everyone alert. The pastor spoke on creating effective partnerships (eg, church partnerships, life partnerships with a marriage partner, mentors who you can partner with and friends) and it was really great. A lot was covered but it really reinforced the importance that I should place on the people I choose to have in my life (sorry Sharp clan, couldn't choose you so can't lose you.. hehe). Especially the point of once you've made a choice to partner with someone to then follow through with that commitment.
Commitment is a big deal which I guess is why so many people are afraid of marriage. It is a really big deal! But I think once you factor in God it becomes less of a deal as He will sustain you for the times that are tough to stay committed. He is the source of everything we need, every second of every day. Ahh, sometimes I can barely remember the way I was before I was saved but then again I remember the darkness that used to engulf me and it hasn't left my memory. I am so blessed to now call Him my best friend.. my true and first love and my rock. When sometimes I could get lost with where I am.. I now know that I was always in the one place and always will be: by His side, holding His hand.
Well this turned out to be a mixed-up post. Hope you can keep up with my random subject changes :) Sleepy time...
Love Kel