Monday, July 02, 2007

We're getting married..!


Just thought I would update you on the latest adventure: Adam and I are getting married. We're so excited and everything has happened at just the right timing. No date set just at the moment, but we're looking at getting married this December. Yay!

It's funny.. this God-journey that we're all on. God works everything in this perfect timing, when we are sometimes totally unaware of what is around the corner. I never would've guessed this is where I would be a year ago.

Adam is a really good man. He has a kind, sensitive yet focussed heart. He loves God and lives to serve Him. We've both got similar views on what we want out of life, yet we have so many differences in gifting and personality. We sometimes laugh at our differences and wonder how on earth we are even together and how we managed to survive the first 8 months of our relationship while living in different parts of the state, but we know that it is for God's purposes, and He is our glue and makes us work well together.

So, we're happy and looking forward to adventuring together into the future. Just wanted to share the news :)

Love Kel

Thursday, April 26, 2007

My little mad scientist

My beloved & I (nabbed off my friend's wedding site). We call the hair mad scientist. Aww, I love him :)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Long, long time no post


Well it's been a jolly long time since I last posted. I can't really even call myself a blogger anymore. Many excuses for that which such as

- I moved house and don't have wireless at home anymore so it's a bit of an effort to actually blog
- I haven't really felt like blogging
- I am a bit too busy and distracted.

Work has been going really well. I've been there a month and a half now and feel as though I have settled in quite a bit. I'm learning a lot and feel as though it's a great move career-wise. I'm a Rocky Bay.. not sure if I mentioned that before. I'm in Human Resources which is something new and I love it.

The new house is going really well - it's so not an effort to live with these 2 lovely ladies. They're so laid back and we get along really well. We even have a dog that I actually like (not a big dog fan). They're the kinds of girls you can just be yourself around.. which is so important for a home (it's not just a house for me..).

Adam and I have been going really well. I'm not going to get soppy on here as it's unneccesary and I want to save you guys the pain. We're still just weekend friends but it works out alright. We're happy anyway :) I've got a photo of us which I'll chuck up on the blog sometime.

Hmm.. Life has been crazy busy, especially the last month. Everything kinda happened at once! Christmas time is also busy. I haven't actually started Christmas shopping properly yet. I think I've got 1 present. Woohoo..

This is a boring kind of update but I just thought I should write something before I am forgotten in the world of blogs!

Peace out noobs,

Love Kel


Thursday, November 02, 2006

New beginnings


Well, as of tomorrow I am starting a new, permanent job. It's at Rocky Bay and I'll be working in human resources to do with recruitment, training, inductions and more. I am so pumped about it!! I have really been thinking about the kind of place I want to work (rather than the usual, what kind of work I want to be doing) so I did a bit of research on one of the government website (DOCEP I think) and found a whole heap of charity organisations to work for. I don't want to assume some kind of naive/head-in-the-clouds kind of view on life.. but for me right now, I just don't want to be working for a corporate kind of business. I have to feel as though what I'm doing is actually having some kind of positive effect on someone's life. Not just making money. And I'm not doing that in a thinking-I'm-better-than-anyone-else kind of way either, I was just really excited when I worked out who I wanted to work for, and went through a million websites looking for their vacant positions and got so inspired and enthused by seeing the kinds of jobs I'm after (although most of them were in Syd or Melb.. boo). Yay! Oh, and I probably shouldn't have really even gotten the job for a number of reasons: I found it on the web late and so had to ask for a late application, which they accepted when I didn't think they would; I didn't have the relevant experience they were looking for, 2 years of it; I had to bail on an interview (due to a crash, so I think that was a fair enough excuse) and there was something else too, can't remember. I was pretty shocked I got the job to be honest. But for some reason I really wanted it and I am always so pleasantly surprised when I've asked God to take over the situation and He did it is this way - nice work!

So, as well as getting that job, I have moved house this week too. Well, my brother kind of moved me, but I am going to be living there :) I'm with 2 lovely girls that I have gotten to know since moving in - Amy and Anne - and they're really great! I have been dreading going back to share-houses.. just the risk of moving in with weirdos or feeling unsafe/uncomfortable in your own place can cause a bit of apprehension. No need to fear when God's in charge! Nay, it is going to be the house o' fun this summer. It takes me less than a minute to walk to the river, so plenty of bike riding, sunshiney action on the way, yay.

Things are just cruising along really. Fairly fast. Heaps has been happening since I got back and I feel like God's kinda taken the reigns and gone "sit back, let me do life with you and it'll be all good". And it's the truth. Stuff I've been dreading for years have turned out to be easy! And the things that have been sorted have been easy! Thanks God for your faithfulness, always. You never cease to amaze me and all I want to do is tell you how thankful I am. Not just for the crap you take me out of, but for who you are. It's craziness.

Also reading a great book - Blue Like Jazz. My cousin bought it for me ages ago but I had it packed away and found it in a box. Fantastic read. Just a really different way to approach God and Christianity. Highly recommended by me :)

That's all for now. Hanging out for the Big Weekend, but more so for Church Together - probably my favourite event of the year. In case you don't know what it is, it's where loads of churches across Perth get together in a big park in the city centre and have church together.. Excellent stuff. Kinda like a slive of heaven. And I love Hillsong United and they're playing, yay! Ok, blog again sooner..



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Long time no blog

Haven't really felt inspired to blog of late.. :) Lots happening, good, bad, ugly, whatever - I feel as though I'm finally learning to embrace where God puts me. Whatever effort it requires, that he's got it under control and that I can trust in him fully. I love him so much. Did you hear me God? (I know you did/do) I love you like crazy.

The latest breakfast club meeting in East Perth

Some absolutely gorgeous girls came into my world between 9-13 years ago (depending on which year of school we started together) and God has poured out his love through them. Some people complain about high school and what a rough time it was, and although a lot of us had our shit happening, it was so God-purposed that we had each other. You're intelligent, gifted, God-loving, fun, unique, caring, hilariously silly, BEAUTIFUL girls.. I love you all so much. So many seasons of life together - ups and downs -and we're still loving each other and moving forward. Cheers to you girls! And to the others overseas, whether in Cali, London or Tenerife (!).. big schoolgals love to you.. we shall all reunite soon! Any dibs on the next wedding? My money's on Zo or Lu :)

Special tribute to Lou who has recently returned from another trip to Kenya. (NOTE: You are a domestic goddess, never fear my dear!) So many great stories from this trip.. need to hear some more. This photo is from Hope House where they fed/diapered/clothed/cuddle multiple babies. The other photos just showed babies everywhere, all orphaned. How different life is for some. God chose for me to be born where I was for a reason, therefore I can't feel guilty for that. But, it's not only my responsibility, but my honour to do what God needs of me (I am one person, I realise) to do. God, please grow me to always look outwards, look at their faces, listen to their stories, hear their heart. Show me what to do God. I want to live beyond me. Please show me..

Love Kel


Sunday, October 08, 2006

What a sunshiney weekend

I've just had another beautiful weekend. Some of the highlights were the trip down to my cousin's beach house in Shoalwater Bay yesterday and my sister (in-law, but I'm just gonna call her sister from now on I've decided)'s bday. Superb! Here's some shots from today. The olds must've had a bit too much wine as they were acting a bit crazy in the playground.. geez, you can't take 'em anywhere!

Romella and her Mum, Sylvia (the Indian parts of our fam)

Never leave children unattended.. hang on, I was there supervising!

After this little incident things got a bit funner...

Aww, you look pretty Marmy

Now that is talent..

So we took things over to the park where the big kids had a play..

And a bit of balancing work was required

Lots of photos today.. the weather was just glorious!

Till another day.. xx

Friday, October 06, 2006

Things & stuff


It's been a while since posting, I know. At least there'll be photos this time! Anyway, things have been going really well.
Nana's still in hospital and progressing slowly. She's really frail but doing ok. She had a big fall over the weekend and has this huge black eye that goes all the way to her hairline.. she looks like some kind of badger (ohh, I love badgers!).
Umm, I went away with some people for the long weekend to somewhere near Collie called Glen Mervyn Dam. It was such a top stop and I felt rejuvenated spending time bush walking, mountain biking and just enjoying being back in the bush. There was also a bit of wake boarding action which was rather fun. My arms are still sore!
I came back a bit early as it was my cousin's wedding (as mentioned). I literally ran in the door of the church as I was running late from down south but it's so good you can count on the Sharps to be late - Nat and the ladies were another 15 mins or so after me.. hehe! Now, get this, Nat's husband's surname is Pearce. If we hyphenated her name she would be Natalie Sharp-Pearce.. hehe!! Love it! I wish she did it.. classic.

The Sharp's (minus wives and children)

Anyway Nat said she wanted the wedding to be "sincere" and that it was. There were so many smiles and laughs - so good! They make a fantastic couple and I am just SO SO happy that Steve is such a great guy. Nat totally deserves it and I know she will be cherished. So, here's some snaps from the day.

My immediate family (not the best photos, I know!)

The extended Sharp's - minus Matt, Rach, Liam, Pete, Mel, James, Abigail and Jo

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lady in the Water

I went and saw a really unusual film last night called Lady in the Water. It's the story of how the beings from the Blue World need to get in contact with the humans on the land. Kind of a mythical/fantasy children's story brought into life. It's all set in a block of apartments and their surrounds. The main guy, Cleveland, is so odd but likeable and he really makes the movie.

It's made by the same guy that made Signs which I didn't see because I thought it would freak me out. Anyway, this was only PG so I thought it must be harmless. But it had so much suspense and parts of it kept me guessing right till the end. Intriguing, the kind you don't want to take your eyes off. It has some really biblical themes in it which was interesting. The main girl, Bryce Dallas Howard, was so strange looking as she is a being from another place. The side characters were all really quirky types.. ahh it was just hilariously strange!

I think it's worth recommending, but I'm not sure. Don't go in expecting a particular genre of movie as I'm not sure if it really fits into one.. but good anyway (I think!).

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I planned to get up this morning to go for a ride with Em at 7am and someone has stolen my bike. I'm rather annoyed as I really loved that bike. They would've had to have gotten through either 1 or 2 gates to get it and it was 1/3 metre away from Em's room. Who does that? :(

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Go Savannah! Congrats Dave & Andrea!

Yay, finally a post with some pictures!


Noice Savvy!

You're a winner!

Straight arms!

Balanced.. atta girl!

This is my oldest niece (she was 7 last Sunday!) at the recent State Gymnastics Comp. She trained really hard and did really well. And doesn't she just look so cute?! Ok, I know these photos are flogged off a website.. but you can get the idea.

Things are good. Had Mum's 60th on Saturday and it seemed to go on without any hiccups. I used to think 60 was old but I've realised it's not really. I think 60 is a lot younger than it used to be..(?). I managed to get my Nana out of hospital for the morning as well which was great. She was annoyed at the thought that she might miss out so along she came. Poor love was dozing on the way home though.. it was a big outing after being in bed for 2 weeks! It was great to see my aunties and uncles and cousins after 6 months and catch up on the latest with them. Well done to the crew at the Oyster Bar South Perth, they were fantastic! Speaking of cousins.. I can't wait for Natty's wedding this Monday! Woohoo.. I really like her guy Steve - well done to you both! Photos to come post-wedding.

My beautiful friend Andrea and her man Dave got engaged last weekend as well.. most exciting! Congratulations to you both. I'm SO happy that she's so happy and really look forward to the big day!

Sorry for the mega-old photo.. they've just gotten hotter with age.

Ok, that's about as exciting a post as I can do right now.



Monday, September 18, 2006

Hebron Children's Home

Just letting anyone who's interested know that they've worked hard and done a new website for the Hebron Children's Home. There's lots of info on there and also a lot of beautiful photography. Please feel free to check it out, see what's happening in another part of the world and if there is some way you can help or be inspired..
Go here.

Some of the beautiful girls

That's all for now!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Girly crap


Haven't really been interested in my blog of late I'm afraid. It's become a bit of a chore this week or 2 or 3!

So, I've pretty much been living in the old-timers ward at RPH for the past (almost) week with my Nan. She had a stroke and as I have been away when she's had 2 others, I have really latched onto this time. I let myself get really anxious and distressed (before turning to God and being flooded with this overwhelming peace) while I was away and she had a stroke (2) and I heard the progress which sounded really awful. I know, old people tend to get sick then die. But I wasn't ready for that! And nor was/IS Nana. I so wanted to be here, visit her and just be a part of what was happening. So anyway, I've been so grateful to God that he cares and kept her healthy and that I can spend time with her now. I've never had anyone in my family or anyone close to me (just people that are close to people I am close to.. yeah?) pass away or anything so the thought of it freaks me out in an incredible way. It's so good to have been able to help the family out after they did so much with the last ones. Nana is so cute! She comes out with the funniest things in an effort to be insanely polite.. it's really funny.

Church had a "Her Time Occasion" tonight called Energy. Very timely! I've always avoided such things thinking they'd be all fluffy and Oprah-ish and nancy. But Cath did a post about how good they were from the last one and I thought I can't really lose anything from going. So I swung by after hospital to see if I could get a ticket (I could). It was actually really good (I know.. everyone else probably already knew..) and even though a lot of it was about kids and married life related to 40+ year olds, a heap of it is just about being women and I could totally relate. Kristy from The Biggest Loser (I think that was on while I was away as I hadn't seen it) was there and seemed like a genuine kind of woman with some great advice. Kelley Chisholm spoke about some stuff that was really good. A lot of it was about realising what depletes you of energy and how to set your life up to deal with those things so you can get on with everything you've got to do. I can't remember most of it cos I was tired (which I didn't feel so bad about cos it seemed a lot of people there were lacking energy from the sounds of the crowd) but there was some really good stuff. A funny point is when you swing towards matyrdom with your daily life - I could totally relate! Terrible! Anyway, the whole feel of the night was really warm, professional and fun. Good job I say! Next time I might drag my mum and sister in law's along: I think they'd really enjoy it.

As mentioned, tiredness has set in. Looking forward to seeing The Red Shoes ballet this weekend with 3 girlfriends. Should be a hoot I reckon. Anyone seen it?

I promise I will write something really exciting next time!



P.S. They asked an interesting question tonight and I would love to know.. how many hours a night do you sleep on average??

Monday, September 11, 2006

A modern-day miracle


Adriaan Vlok, the former apartheid regime's law and order police minister, recently went to church in Soweto and during the service washed the feet of Reverend Frank Chikane, a person he had sought to kill during the years of struggle in South Africa. The pair took turns to describe Vlok's apology as a miracle. It emerged that it took Vlok two months to convince Chikane to meet him and hear his apology.

This is how Vlok described their first encounter on August 3: "I was so grateful, I cried. There were tears in his eyes too. I looked into his eyes and I saw love. Then he prayed for me." Speaking at the church, Vlok - described by some sources as "one of the most evil men that apartheid created" - called Chikane's congregation his "brothers and sisters". "I feel your pain," he said. "I am sorry for what you had to suffer. We were fighting here in Soweto. It was a war. But today we're coming here to pray."

Vlok admitted that he used to "hate your pastor (Chikane)". "We were fighting each other with guns, hand grenades and poison," Vlok said. "I thank God for letting me not succeed in killing you."

Vlok described his wife's suicide in 1994 as the defining point in his life. "It took me 12 years, after the government changed, to come to this point. I had to rid myself of my own pride, my egotism and selfishness," he said. "I don't represent anyone else because I stand before the Lord alone."

Vlok sat in the front row in the packed church next to Chikane's wife. At one point he stood and clapped along to a gospel song. He also joked when being introduced, saying: "You can't give a microphone to an old politician and expect him to speak for only a minute. It's not possible."

Chikane maintained that the apology was sincere and that more were likely to follow. "The fact that Mr Vlok has come to make a confession to me and is here with us today is a miracle," he said. "Some people have told me it's profoundly historical." He said that, despite being angry, people should be prepared to "pick ourselves up and move on". "We must not let the past we've defeated dictate our future."

Source: Pretoria News (c-/ The Australian Prayer Network Newsletter)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The days roll on

Well, time is flying by. It's been a month tomorrow since I landed in Australia, although in Melbourne. Crazy. I haven't blogged properly for a while.. so this is a bit of a whopper.

Had a family thing tonight to see my auntie, uncle and cousins who are visiting from Karratha for a doctors visit. The last time I saw my uncle was the morning I flew out to Singapore back in March. He was in a hospital bed, limited movement to his body, not very reactive, not speaking, being tube-fed, fresh from 4x neuro ops that almost took his life. I remember so clearly how I was so distraught about leaving in the midst of the trauma. But I knew God was going to do something with his life.

Tonight was a totally different picture - they had a big german dinner party before I got there and he was the life of the party. Talking, laughing, enjoying some wine with friends and family. It was weird. He pretty much got the all-clear from the doctors today which is great. It's a true miracle. Go God.

I've got the day off tomorrow. Doing a taxi run for my auntie so we can both go see my Nana in hospital. She had another stroke today. She can still speak this time, but her left side is limited. She's going to be fine though. My mind is racing with different things I could do.. I've been thinking of how I might be able to rent a place and take care of her somehow. Not sure it could work as she'd be home a lot on her own if I'm working. The place that's she's staying is nice but she doesn't like it. I don't think I can offer the best option though.

Work is going well. The place I'm at for the next 3-4 weeks is great. I'm with mostly middle-aged ladies and they're really cool. I love their humour, sensitivity and their zest for life. It's a great place to work. This week I got sent some gift vouchers from my contact person at the agency as a thank you for being flexible with my jobs last week. Crazy, I thought that was what temping was about: flexibility..?! It was so sweet though and it's great to feel as though you're not just a piece of meat being shoved around where ever required.

It's the Mercy Ministries fundraiser walk this saturday. I've organised some girlfriends to go together and it should be great fun. If you wanted more info you can go to If you wanted to go I'm sure you could still register. Just pray that it doesn't rain..

Speaking of which (what?!). If there's any non-freakish, NORMAL people - actually just girls - out there that are looking at sharing in Perth for some (?) period of time, please let me know. I'm not looking forward to the possibility sharing with strangers that could be absolute weirdos. I just want normal people! Do you think it will be too hard to find??

Last night I spent some time going through my India photos. I haven't printed them yet but I flicked through on my laptop.. reminiscing.. having a laugh at some of the memories. I look forward to having some walls of my own one day to stick lots of photos on. I've got some absolutely fantastic shots that my friend Chinni has taken. Blogger's not letting me add photos today. Temperamental bugger. Wouldn't it be great to just teleport yourself to somewhere else just for a while.. not have to tell anyone you were going or coming. Just fly.

Go for an afternoon walk at 5 with Suneeta to the bridge. Laugh with the children that are riding along from school. Say hello and goodbye over and over. Get to the bridge. Watch the sun setting as you stand over the bridge seeing the occasional snake wriggle through the water below. Throw some rocks to try to improve your aim at the snakes. The same boy rides past you on a bicycle everyday. Stops to say hello, again. Walk back down the dusty track. See the same houses, the same people sitting out the front. The old man that smokes home-made cigarettes while sitting near the buffalos out the front of his place. Everyday the same. Not much sound. The occasional motorbike that whizzes by with a guy driving, his wife and shopping (or a kid) on board. The "men in white": a group of eldery men that wear white shirts and trousers that walk the same time as us everyday, but along the railway line instead. Remembering not to stare at people. Picking up flowers from the side of the road to put in Suneeta's hair. Then she would do the same for me. Stopping in at BB's mother's house on the way home. Holding hands with Epsi or Lily. Practising some newly learnt Telugu on them (something really charming like "what curry for lunch?" or "your sari is beautiful") and watching them laugh. Trying to get away gracefully before the sun goes down. They always walk with us up the road, chatting, for at least another 10 minutes before we say goodbye for the fifth time. Shiny comes riding down the road on the front of the scooter with Surya driving. Normally Deena or Prema on the back seat. Play chicken with the scooter to get a laugh from Shiny. Wave frantically as they zoom by, tooting. They stop at BB's mothers, say hello, then back on the scooter to go home. Watching Rebekah (one of the cooks) come down the road, dodging the puddles, on her way home from work so she can cook for her family. Stopping for a brief chat before continuing on. Passing the leper colony with the kids that run around out the front. Chickens are always scuttling around the front. Keep walking around the bend in the road. Using our scarves to cover our noses as we passed where the local pigs are fed rotten scraps of food. The stench is so bad you feel as though your eyes may get a coating on them just from being kept open to the exposed air. Smiling with my eyes at the girls that worked feeding the pigs and hoping they could see I was trying to smile. The relief as you took a deep breath of non-swine air. Ahhh. Back past the rice mill. The aroma of rice cooking. The busy trucks and cars over the road, going into town. Just in time for evening prayer with the girls before dinner. Going with Suneeta to wash our feet of all the dust and mud from the walk.

Every afternoon was the same. It wasn't monotonous. Sure, it was simple. It was peaceful. No rushing. I could keep going on with the rest of the evening's routine but I won't. I'm sure it's boring. It's good for me to think back. Remember what life was like for such a different time in my life. When you knew exactly what was going to be happening for a large proportion of the following day/days.

Oh, I miss you Hebron. Suneeta, Sagar, Pandu, Chinni, Amma, all the children. BB, Ramah, Ramya, Akka-babu.

But life goes on hey? There's more things to happen that you can then think back on. Some memories will last longer than others though. There's so much about my life over there that I've never shared with people. Because I thought I would bore them. Because I felt people weren't interested. That it was my cup-of-tea but not everyone elses. I think I missed out on something by not sharing. It's releasing. It brings closure. It's healthy. I kept a diary over there. Pretty much just prayers. Or things about life in Australia that I missed. Not about life there. Not the routine and the exciting things to experience or learn. It's hard to write about that stuff when you're immersed in it and it's become "normal". I think I might write a book. Even if it's just for me to look back on in 50 years. It might be a really benefitial thing to do methinks.

Enough blabber. G'night anyone who might still read this blog!


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Birthday dear Suneeta!

I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to one of my dearest friends.. Suneeta!

This lady is a gem. She had me as a guest in her home for 5 months and really showed me what hospitality means. She is the wife of Sagar and mother of Shiny. She's a brilliant cook (which is rather important in India) and is really clever with stitching, embroidery and beading. She's crafted some beautiful saris and a gorgeous dress for Shiny's last birthday. She is my Indian sister and I really wish I could be there to celebrate (although you don't celebrate birthdays).. or to make you feel as special as you are! Happy Birthday!

Love Kellie


Friday, September 01, 2006

Some information that could change your life

Did you know that Special K that you buy in Australia isn't the same as Special K that you buy in the US or Europe?

I kid you not. I know, I am also appalled to find this out too.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Work work work

Well, I've been back at work this week (new job) and I've been really enjoying it. I love working hard, organising things, setting goals and achieving them. I get so much satisfaction from it. Although I think there are areas of my life that I'd rather avoid so I put my heart and soul into doing a good job so I can feel successful/normal in one area. I think I've been on this train a while - it's not really a good thing. But it's good to be doing some work anyway :) I'm starting to feel a bit better about being in Perth again. Not hating it so much which is always good!

Caught up with an old friend tonight and had a lovely dinner. Went across the road to this funky place (I can't remember the name.. it's on Murray St, called F'uche or something like that) for dessert. There were these brilliant musicians playing out the front on the sidewalk, kinda funk style. We went in and I said we were just there for coffee and dessert and the guy proceeded to give us free stuff! This beautiful entree stuff and champagne! (it wasn't just us, the table next to us too) And I worked out that it cost them more for what they gifted us with than what we actually bought. Not bad! It is a really fresh new place (I heard it's been open 6 months) - well worth a visit! It's opposite Tiger Lils if that helps.

I'm seeing my cousin tomorrow who is getting married in a month. It's all very exciting. I wasn't around for the engagement and everything so it's a good a time as any to get into wedding mode and be really excited for them. They make a really nice couple. Natty and I went through Grade 3-12 together so we've been "around" each other a lot for a while. It feels weird to have to catch up with people like Nat now after it being so normal for so many years to just see her around. We grow up, life changes things. So, it''ll be nice to see her tomorrow anyway :)

It's a bit of a nothing post. I don't really want to write much on here lately. Don't know why. Just don't! I need to start taking some photos and chucking them on here. That'll brighten the place up!

Things to look forward to:
  • Kate coming home in a month from more overseas travels (contracting lovely parasites on the way!)
  • Savannah's state gym comp
  • Mum's 60th do
  • Starting my new savings plan
  • Doing some research/planning about some future dreams
  • Natalie and Steve's wedding.. yay!
  • A date with my friend to see The Red Shoes (ballet)
  • Seeing my cousin Kristy in October.. hanging out for that
  • Buying a new kettle for Sharon (man, I love kettles..)

That's about it for the next little bit. Blog again soonish.



Saturday, August 26, 2006

Run Baby Run

I've been a bit self-indulgent this week and have been doing some reading. I wanted to let you know about an old classic (if you haven't already read it) called Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz.

What an amazing story. It's about a bad-ass teenager from Puerto Rico living in New York and how he gets involved in gangs and stuff. Great description.. He's living a dark, blood-thirsty life on the run until he encounters God through a preacher coming to the ghetto he lived in. The way his life is transformed and years of hatred, nightmares and bloodshed are stripped away from his heart to reveal such a beautiful heart: so passionate for God. He's such an amazing man - but the testimony is really just to God and at His love and the immense power behind it. To transform even the toughest life and then use it to reach people with love and compassion (kinda like Saul/Paul). Such a great read: Kel recommends!

It's my baby boy's birthday party today. My nephew Caleb is turning 9! Wowsers.. I remember how much time I've spent with him as a newborn, toddler, kid. He's such a caring, sweet boy. But so freakin tall! When I got back this time he was up to my nose, the crazy critter. But he's still not old enough to not want hugs and time with his aunty Kel :) Yay! He has such a sensitivity combined with a really easy going and joyful disposition that I know he's going to make a great man of God. Go Cabes! I love you a WHOLE lot!

OK, better get the day going. Have woken up at 5 or 5:30 every morning this week. For no good reason - it sucks!

Love Kel


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Chop chop chop

Well, I thought I would do a little post about some old friends that I haven't spent time with in a while:

Chef Martin Yan (of Yan Can Cook - a favourite with everyone in high school)

Iron Chef (re-runs used to be on SBS, not sure now)

I love these 2 shows. Sure, they're very different to standard aussie cooking shows, but they are so energetic and fun.. and I would love to be as good as them (although maybe not as accentric as some of the iron chefs).

What about you? Do you have any thoughts, memories of these two? Or are you a fan of any other cooking shows?


Tuesday, August 22, 2006



Well, I haven't really thought of anything much to post about lately. I've been in a non-blogging state of late. Have been catching up with some friends (plus moving house) and hearing what's been happening for them over the past 6 months or 13 months, depending on when I last saw them. There is something delightful about being in the company of a friend that knows you longer than a day (!) that I am realising I've missed out on! Duh.. big surprise! I've spent so much time over the last year with people I know nothing about and who know nothing about me that it's been a heckuva lot of chitchat. I know chitchat has it's place but I tire of it really quickly if that is the substance of the friendship.. know what I mean? I hope I'm not sounding like a broken record.

Hmm, went to an interesting thing tonight with a friend. A multi-level-marketing/direct-buying business thing. I don't want to offend anyone who might be a die-hard fan of these types of businesses with what I say. I just have such a thing about them that rings warning bells. I know that there are people that make a lot of money out of them and swear by them (with the addition of hard work!).. but it's just not me. It was a different kind of one, anyway, where they sell aussie opals. Interesting. Good thing I don't love opals!

Went dress shopping for a bit today (for Melsy) and bumped into Sky who got married while I was away. Had a coffee and catch up and it was so nice to hear how her wedding day and tour-of-Thailand went for her honeymoon. Lots of stories of elephants, monkeys and getting ripped off by pushy little street-market people. Nice.

Way off the topic if there was one but I am getting reacquainted with the old Aussie accent. It's funny!I know I don't speak with an accent, although most people who tried to guess my accent overseas thought I was English (WHAT?!?!), but it just seems a lot twangier since I've gotten back. Noice (nice) is one that I hear a lot! Gid (good) is another. It's hard to spell the pronunciation, but it's really funny! Funnier that it doesn't sound normal at first. And people sounded a lot twangier over in Victoria too which was interesting. I knew Queenslanders (where I was born.. woo) have their "kewl bananas" accent, but I didn't know Victorians had accents. Anyhoo.. not having a go at anyone here!!

Well, I think that's about all I can be bothered to type. It's the city to surf this sunday. My brother's running AGAIN so I might go watch.. but I think it's a bit hard to watch. You just stand at the finish pool and try to find someone in the field of people. Unless he comes first! hehe.. I have faith in you Donny :) I should've got into training and gone with you. Maybe next year (eww, that sounds very procrastinatorish) eh?

Sleep now. Good night! xx

P.S. Pics are still not working.. so just boring text until blogger is happy with me :)